Could we read this as a graphologist would interpret handwriting? Or as a scientist who analyzes and interprets data to look for meaning?

Halfway between a book and a magazine, “The City Is Ours” is a finite series of 6 bookzines published by Other Editions that invite you to explore your city, town, or street with more curious eyes. One detail at a time.
Urban ready-mades, involuntary paintings, accidental sculptures and parts of the urban landscape that normally go unnoticed.
With a scientific-but-ironical approach, each issue analyzes a specific detail related to the streetscape through a photo essay. Art is used as a tool: to help bring awareness to our surroundings.
It features also works by international artists, photographers, and observers: images combined with clear and simple language inspire the reader to observe the city as they have never seen it before.
1 min. intro
In general, we operate on an invitation-only basis. We also have 2 open calls per year. In any case, you are welcome to submit your photo series or ideas any time. For getting in touch write to hi(aaat)thecityisours-bookzine(dot)com or DM on Instagram.
The best way to be informed on the next theme/open call is to join the mailing list.
Concept and design
SerraGlia is the alias of visual artist Lorenzo Servi. Trained as an architect, he uses books as the principal format of his artworks. You can find more @